
Showing posts from October, 2017
Check out our new recipe for Sharad's way of cooking Nepali Chicken Curry. It's so delicious! Sharad is a really good cook and we'll be posting more how-to videos of Nepali cuisine, so be sure to subscribe to our channel ( Coco's Nepal ) to see more!

Tips for Learning A New Language

If you're in the process of learning a new language, you've probably already read a lot of motivating articles about how to learn quicker and more efficiently. I read a lot of these too. Many of them seemed to be written by polyglots who have somehow learned the mystical secret to learning a language in a couple of months or even a few weeks. I am not one of those people. It took me a long time to become fluent in Nepali, even though I studied every textbook I could find and practiced with Nepali speakers every day. But I learned to enjoy the learning process and finally finding out the meaning of a new grammar point or a word I couldn't find in the dictionary was like a lightbulb moment every time it happened. It was a really rewarding journey and it opened up a door to a new culture, a new way of thinking, even a new sense of humor! Most importantly, I think, it really helped to improve myself - I went from a shy girl who didn't really know how to express herself i

Nepali Pronouns

There are a couple of pronouns I've left out of this list, but only because they are either not commonly used or are too rude/low respect. These are pronouns in their normal form. For certain purposes these may have to be modified slightly, which we will get into later. First Person singular (I, me) - म ma First Person plural   (we, us) - हामी haami

Beginner Nepali Video Lesson 2 - Asking "How are you?" in Nepali

We're back for lesson 2 with some phrases you can use to ask "How are you?" in Nepali! Please check it out and like and subscribe if you want to see more lessons like this! Also don't forget to watch  Lesson 1 !