Best Resources For Learning Nepali

I've searched for/used nearly every medium available for learning the Nepali language. Now that I'm fluent, I can share my tips about which resources helped the most! Here are some of them...

  • Hamro Dictionary

This offline dictionary is available for free on the Google Play store. It's a pretty comprehensive dictionary considering it is a mobile app and is helpful for when you're out and about - you don't have to lug a huge dictionary around with you like I used to when I first started learning Nepali!
There are some typos and words that I've searched for that aren't in the dictionary. But overall this is a great resource.
Be sure to check out the developer's other apps as well. Their app Hamro Patro has a lot of tools to use on your trip to Nepal, from currency conversion rates to Nepali festival dates and everything in between.


  • NEPALI IN CONTEXT: A Topical Approach to Learning Nepali

This is rare (and expensive) to find online...Amazon currently lists it at $55USD!
But it can be found in Nepal at larger bookstores and it contains a wealth of information about Nepali grammar, vocab, phrases, etc. All presented in an easy-to-understand manner.
The book is designed to be best used with a Nepali tutor, so if you have a Nepali friend to practice with, that would be the best approach.

  • Nepali Movies on Youtube

The Nepali film industry doesn't care much about pirating movies - for the most part, the film companies themselves release films for free on YouTube a few months after their initial release in theaters.
This provides a wealth of options for Nepali entertainment/listening practice.
Nepali films are great for two reasons - one, you can listen to Nepali people speak naturally (read: extremely fast and difficult to understand) and two, Nepali movies are just absolutely bonkers.
In recent times Nepali movies have taken a big step forward in terms of not being so very corny, but there's plenty of goofy, contrived fare to enjoy.
Some more recent uploads include English subtitles, but it's also fun and good practice to figure out what's going on watching without subs.
Just search 'Nepali movie' on YouTube and a lot of choices will show right up.

  • English learning textbooks found at Nepali stationery/book shops

It may seem counter-intuitive to pick up a book in Nepali about learning English, instead of the other way around. And the English is often phrased a little oddly...
But these are a very cheap, easy to use resource for learning Nepali. Many of these books are put together for Nepali students looking to get a working visa abroad. So the phrases/grammar given is simple, everyday conversations covering introducing yourself, small talk, asking for help in an emergency, etc.
The reason these are great is that while the English translations may be a little stilted, the corresponding Nepali phrases are accurate. It's great reading practice after you've learned the Nepali alphabet and it will help you understand the grammar of basic Nepali sentence structure as well. There's usually a concise dictionary of important words at the end as well.
Best of all, these books are usually only a couple hundred rupees (2 or 3 U.S. dollars), so it can't hurt to pick one or two up when you arrive in Nepal.


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